
Showing posts from February, 2023

2/27/23 - Energy Market Trading Journal - Gain of $155 / 4.5%

 Today was another easy day, but I also timed it well. The market topped pretty early, and I sold early, around 9am. All in All, BOIL wentu p 8.6% today so I could have made more money if I didn't sell so early, but I didn't want to be greedy. My thought was that if I can end my day at 9am up 160 dollars I may as well since I am not sure when It's going to draw back. Perhaps tomorrow? I am currently holding $3,547 in BOIL, and $2,641 in KOLD.. In the morning, I will look at what the early-market trading is looking like, and sell one of them based on the trend. If I am wrong, I will sell the other before my losses hit $150. My guess is that KOLD will be the winner tomorrow. since I am starting to see a drop in after-hours trading. I also think we are currently at a resistance point, and losing momentum.

2/24/23 - Energy Market Trading Journal - Gain of $210 / 6.98%

 Today was a great and easy day of trading for the most part. The day started off a bit scary by slowly dropping down 1.5% by market open. By 8:20am my BOIL stocks were up 2.5% By end of day, they were up nearly 7%! I didn't have to sell at all today besides my KOLD at the start of pre-markets.  I expect after the huge gain today that there will likely be some pullback on Monday. 

2/23/23 - Energy Market Trading Journal - Loss of $25

 Whew! Today was a really crazy trading day. I started the day off holding KOLD and that was a big mistake since Natural Gas went up today. After selling my KOLD at a loss I was negative 120 dollars on the day. Luckily I bought some BOIL shares and was able to recoup half my losses.  Today was another big surprise with BOIL jumping 12% on the day. I could have made a 12% gain if I had predicted BOIL, but I predicted KOLD and was wrong. I am lucky I only pay about 1% for that loss. I think BOIL will do well tomorrow so I plan on betting that way.

2/22/23 - Energy Market Trading Journal - Loss of $50

 A volatile day for Natural Gas Today the natural gas market really threw me! I started the day holding KOLD, and I bought even more around 6am assuming Natural Gas would go down. Instead, Natural gas bottomed out around 6:15am and it really started to go up in price! After going negative $10 around 6:53am, I decided to sell my KOLD to mitigate my losses.  Later in the morning around 10:28am I decided to buy some shares of BOIL since Natural Gas was shooting up and I thought I might be able to make a bit on that trend. This worked for me at first, and I was up $25 on the day until about 1pm when Natural gas dropped in the spam of an hour from 2.25 to 2.16, wiping out my gains and putting me negative $50.  I promised myself I would not allow myself to go negative more than $50 on any trading day, so I decided to purchase a an equal amount of KOLD to hedge both ways for the remainder of the day. Thoughts / Lessoned Learned from today Natural Gas experienced a really big jum...

2/21/23 - Energy Market Trading Journal - Gain of $103

  Another good day betting on KOLD ETF Today was another easy and stress-free day trading Natural Gas. Natural gas was showing signs of support holding at a price of 2.55 Feb 3rd - 14th but the weakness shown on the 17th proved that the bottom is not in yet. The next support now is something like 1.7 so We got a good 35 points to go down still. Today I ended the day by selling off my KOLD to take profits. I then decided to put 300 into the SPXS which bets that the S&P 500 will drop. I also put 200 into SQQQ which bets that the Nasdaq will drop. These are small amounts so I don't have to pay attention to them too much. I also decided to buy back in to KOLD with 400 dollars to hold over-night.  Plan for Tomorrow Tomorrow I will do the same as today. I will attempt to hold KOLD as it continues to rise as the price of Nat Gas falls. I will also hold onto my SPXS and SQQQ long-term unless I begin to see signs of strength in the Nasdaq and S&P 500. Thanks for reading!!

I'm going to create a Henry Hub Natural Gas Market Tracker

 My goal is to create a US Natural Gas Market Tracker Dashboard As a project to better understand the natural gas market, and as a tool for others, I have decided that I am going to create a website dedicated to automatically tracking data relevant to US natural gas prices. I drew up my ideas of what that dashboard might look like in MS Paint.  I'd like to begin by gather the data I need and display it very simply. Later on I'd like to attempt to apply machine learning to the data to assist in predictions. I doubt the information displayed will look like the above drawing, but it's a starting place. My research into Natural gas storage data appears to list 7,159 different storage locations in the United States. It also lists their max capacity and their current storage values. My first task then will be to gather all this data into a MySQL table so that I can use PHP to run the calculations and display the Storage level graphic. Wish me luck! I hope to have more upd...

2/17/23 - Energy Market Trading Journal - Gain of $120

Today's Results Today was a very un-stressful day in the stock market. I started the day out with approx $1,500 in KOLD which bets that Natural Gas prices will fall at 2x leverage, and $1,000 into BOIL, which bets that Natural Gas would increase at 2x leverage. Around 6am CST when I woke up I saw that Natural Gas was falling. I sold my 200 BOIL shares at 5.56 a share. I took a lass on this trade since I purchased them yesterday at 6.06 per share. Since Natural Gas was falling, I chose not to sell my KOLD and to allow that to rise through the morning. Knowing that Nat Gas prices have been peaking around 11am this past week, I decided to sell my 30 shares of natural gas around 11am at 69.92 a share. I purchased the shares yesterday at an average price of 63 dollars per share so this was a big win today. After I sold my KOLD, I balanced by portfolio by buying back equally, betting both that Natural Gas will rise and fall at the same time. I do this so that I do not have to sell. By be...