I'm going to create a Henry Hub Natural Gas Market Tracker
My goal is to create a US Natural Gas Market Tracker Dashboard
As a project to better understand the natural gas market, and as a tool for others, I have decided that I am going to create a website dedicated to automatically tracking data relevant to US natural gas prices. I drew up my ideas of what that dashboard might look like in MS Paint.
I'd like to begin by gather the data I need and display it very simply. Later on I'd like to attempt to apply machine learning to the data to assist in predictions.
I doubt the information displayed will look like the above drawing, but it's a starting place.
My research into EIA.gov Natural gas storage data appears to list 7,159 different storage locations in the United States. It also lists their max capacity and their current storage values. My first task then will be to gather all this data into a MySQL table so that I can use PHP to run the calculations and display the Storage level graphic.
Wish me luck! I hope to have more updates soon since I can't trade during weekend!
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